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[tab title= OtherWebs]


[tab title= AboutMe]

On one hand, my aRtBee nickname sounds like my initials R t B, for Ronald ter Burg, the Netherlands, 1958. For about twenty years I have been consultant and interim manager on Business and Project Controls. Mainly outdoor infrastructure, like roads and tracks.
Before that, I wandered around in telecoms (ten years too), and before that I worked on ICT projects and teached classes on design methods and applied math (another ten years).
Before that, I studied physics, and graduated as well.
Visit my professional website or linkedin for details and CV.


On the other hand, my aRtBee nickname sounds like Art and (busy) Bee. Which made me part of the ‘Beehive Clan’ together with my friends Shell Bee, Wood Bee, Can Bee and Angel B. We had a lot of fun, doing graphics projects together and organizing workshops on 3D Graphics and Photography. And I still do like some honey colored accents on my site, too.


Since those early days I liked the graphics part of computing most. From the green monochrome Tektronics terminals, the character graphics for the Hack game (now: NetHack), the 8-bit colored pie-charts in Lotus 123, the 16-bit colored sprites for the Asteroids and Racing games, to the capabilities of 3D Studio (for DOS!) and the still exiting POV (Persistence of Vision).


High end PC’s were required to run the first versions of Bryce (2 and on), Vue d’Esprit (2 and on) and Poser (1 and up). Some of them evolved to great hights, like Vue and Poser. Bryce lagged more and more behind, while others didn’t make it (MojoWorld, as in The Day After Tomorrow) or struggle for life (Terragen).
From 3D Studio I migrated to 3DS MAX easily especially when the Windows NT machines kicked in. And I saw high end packs decimating their pricing schedules to keep up with serious candidates “from below the line” like Cinema4D. In which I did some price-winning shorts (well, local competition that was).
So there I was, strolling around in the Computer Graphics arena, following developments and making some websites, images and shorts. My olde website is still around. But really, it lacked focus.


Until now, from where I’ll take the route to merge Graphics techniques and Photograpic principles. And this is my website. Enjoy.


[tab title= MyGear]

The current machine is:

  • 2019: Alienware laptop i9-9900X (10 Core), 1Tb SSD/1Tb HDD, 32Gb RAM, Win10-Pro (RPI = 5)
    including nVidia GTX2080 /8Gb running the Octane renderer MUCH faster

The ones before:

  • 2013: nVidia 560Ti swapped to 2x nVidia GTX770 OC/4Gb
  • 2011: 4,0GHz i7-990X (Hex Core), 256Gb SSD / 6Tb HDD, 24Gb RAM, Win7-64Pro (RPI = 42)
    including 2x 6Tb external disk units
  • 2007: 2,4Ghz Q6600 (Quad Core), 4Gb ram, 1 Tb disk, Vista Ult 32 (RPI=55)
    including dual 19″ pivotable monitors
  • 2002: 1,8GHz Pentium 4, 512M/1Gb ram, 80Gb disk, Win XP Pro   (RPI=140)
  • 1997: 180MHz Pentium Pro, 64Mb ram, 4Gb disk, Win NT / 98  (RPI=125)
  • 1992: 33MHz 80486, 4Mb ram, 120Mb disk, MS DOS 3 / Win 95 (RPI=18)
  • 1989: 12 Mhz 80286/87, 640kb ram, 20Mb disk, MS DOS 2 (RPI = 12)
  • 1985: 5MHz 8088/87, 128kb ram, NO disk (dual floppy), MS DOS

RPI = my Relative Performance Index, power compared to the previous machine. It’s the multiplication of:

  • relative processor speed (eg 6-core 3,33 vs 4-core 2,4 = 2,0)
  • the average of relative disk and ram growth (eq 512Mb+80Gb over 64Mb+4Gb = 8 and 20 so; 14) and speed

From start till now: 12 x 18 x 125 x 140 x 55 x 42 x 5 = 43.5 billion! times raw performance increase over 35 years of private PC ownership.
Plus the 100x speedup by running the Octane renderer in the graphics card. Not too bad.



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